Fizz Buzzkill...

Answering dreaded JS interview questions...

Created by Russ Anderson / @RealRealRuss


  • husband, father of 2 boys
  • Nashville (Inglewood)
  • Christian, member of Midtown Fellowship
  • terrible golfer
  • @RealRealRuss

Making transactions simple

Front-end Developer

  • full time 5 years
  • mostly self-taught / colleague-taught
  • no computer science background
  • mostly working within libraries and frameworks

Front-end Job Interview Questions

Why is it called a Ternary expression, what does the word "Ternary" indicate?


Ternary means it involves three things, and strings 'em all on one line so it's harder to read.

Create a for loop that iterates up to 100 while outputting "fizz" at multiples of 3, "buzz" at multiples of 5 and "fizzbuzz" at multiples of 3 and 5


That sounds hard, and for some strange reason I'm suddenly jonesing for a Dr. Pepper.


Several basic JS questions that I couldn't answer

I'm probably not alone

  • I'll answer a few
  • succinct explanation
  • real world application

Are these questions relevant?

1) Explain event delegation

JS event listeners fire not only on a single DOM element but on all its descendants

2) Describe event bubbling.

Inverse of this. Also known as propogation, events on an element will "bubble up" and also fire on all parents

Example: live editing a form

Example: live editing a form

function handleChange(event) {
  // track your change

var formEls = document.getElementsByTagName('input');

for (var i = 0; i < formEls.length ; i++) {
  formEls[i].addEventListener('change', handleChange, false);

Example: live editing a form

  function handleChange(event) {
    // track your change
    // this time on

  var el = document.getElementById('form');

  el.addEventListener('change', handleChange);

Bonus tidbit

What's the difference between "target" and "currentTarget"?

The latter is the element with the listener attached, the former is the actual element that triggered it

3) Explain why the following doesn't work as an IIFE:


function foo(){
  // i pity this code

Immediately invoked function expression

Firefox - SyntaxError: expected expression, got ')'

4) Explain the difference on the usage of

function foo(){
  // i am known as
  // a definition or statement

var foo = function() {
  // i am an expression
  // i resolve to a value, even if just "undefined"

Functions as expressions vs. definitions

MDN - An expression is any valid unit of code that resolves to a value.

Functions as expressions vs. definitions

// this thing here
function foo(){


// is as if you
function foo(){


// wrote it on separate lines

3a) What needs to be changed to properly make it an IIFE?


( function foo(){ } )();


behold the parentheses

Why would I ever use one?

Control variable scope

(function foo(){ })();

Firefox - ReferenceError: foo is not defined

5) Why is it, in general, a good idea to leave the global scope of a website as-is and never touch it?

You can't predict the future

  • Reduce collision
  • Maintain independence
  • Easier to write your own code

6) Explain "hoisting".


all variables (var) are declared at the top of any given function scope whether you like it or not (includes function declarations)

Example - how I write it


 1  function hoist(track) {
 2    if (track === 'Down With Disease') {
 3      var action = 'dance';
 4    }
 5    else {
 6      var action = 'skip':
 7    }
 9    return action;
10  }

line 6 error: 'action' is already defined

Example - what JS does to it


 1  function hoist(track) {
 2    var action;
 3    if (track === 'Down With Disease') {
 4      action = 'dance';
 5    }
 6    else {
 7      var action = 'skip':
 8    }
10    return action;
11  }

var declaration "hoisted" to top. Linters don't like this but browsers don't mind.

So, yeah, technically, this works


 1  function hoist(track) {
 2    if (track === 'Down With Disease') {
 3      action = 'dance';
 4    }
 5    else {
 6      action = 'skip':
 7    }
 9    var action;
11    return action;
12  }

cue collective moan

In walks const and let

  • Not hoisted
  • Scoped within the block they are in
  • Gives you more control

head shot of Axel  Dr. Axel Rauschmayer: "Variables and scoping in ECMAScript 6"

What do we do with this knowledge?

var, const, or let?

7) What's the difference between a variable that is: null, undefined or undeclared?


const bar = foo + 1;
Firefox - ReferenceError: foo is not defined

you forgot something


let foo;
let bar = {};
let baz = ['jonny', 'phil', 'ed'];
const qux = function() {
  // don't return anything

console.log(foo,, baz[4], qux());
// all print undefined

const quux;
// "Missing initializer in const declaration"
  • variable declared but no defined value (not initialized)
  • object/array exists but nothing at that key/index
  • function exists but doesn't return anything
  • falsy


const quux = null;

// prints null
  • null has a value. Its value is null.
  • null is a "nothing" value
  • not zero, not an empty string/object/array
  • falsy

7a) How would you go about checking for any of these states?

Undeclared finds you

Except when assigning a value.

// global scope
foo = 5;

// prints 5!
// implied global, aka a reason people hate JS

check for undefined

let foo;

console.log(typeof foo); // "undefined" as a string
console.log(typeof bar): // undeclared, but also returns "undefined" AARGH

// preferred
console.log(foo === undefined); // true boolean

const baz = 'undefined';
console.log(baz === undefined); // false. Hooray, I guess.

check for null

const foo = null;

console.log(typeof foo); // object    let that sink in for a minute

// preferred
console.log(foo === null); // true boolean

8) What is the difference between == and === ?

check out this badness

let foo; // undefined
const bar = null; // null

// compare the two
console.log(foo == bar); // true boolean

Double equals checks for equality


Triple equals checks for equality and type


Wield accordingly.

9) What is the event loop?

9a) What is the difference between call stack and task queue?

story time


var markup = Handlebars.compile(template)(model);




this would never work

story time

var markup = Handlebars.compile(template)(model);


var self = this;

setTimeout(function() {


}, 0);
Defers invoking the function until the current call stack has cleared

(whatever that means)


  • Single-threaded
  • Call Stack
  • Task Queue
  • Event Loop

why this works

var markup = Handlebars.compile(template)(model);


var self = this;

setTimeout(function() {


}, 0);

setTimeout takes function from stack and puts in queue

Philip Roberts: What the heck is the event loop anyway?

You're hired!

Loads more

Just keep moving forward