
Dusting off a 7 year old Gatsby blog

14 June, 2024

Recently, I’ve been inspired to write another post for this blog (coming soon), but as I only post about once a year there is always a ramp…

Promoting Thoughtful Responses in your Org

09 May, 2023

I was discussing this article with a few colleagues in Nashville, and one of them said this and I thought it was profound: I think an issue…

Use the framework - pause before abstracting a well-formed API

27 December, 2022

As a young developer my colleagues preached DRY to me, and it remains a strong value. However, as I’ve gained experience as a developer and…

Using Slack - Choose Your Fighter

17 June, 2022

It’s a funny thing. We all use this tool to communicate, but we rarely spend time setting rules and expectations regarding how it’s used…

Meetings and some alternatives

19 May, 2021

I’ve been thinking a lot about meetings because I hate them. My co-workers don’t always feel the same way, though. I find them very…

The nine circles of npm dependency hell

13 February, 2019

In recent weeks at Lonely Planet we’ve embarked on a fresh application using Next.js. It’s exciting to work on something so bleeding edge…

Updating an ejected Create React App

26 April, 2018

When I started working with React in September of 2016 Create React App was only a few months old. It appealed to me immediately. I’d been…

Redesign Your Workflow

24 March, 2018

I saw this tweet the other day. It has inspired me to extrapolate on a product development process I currently use. I first mentioned this…

Ambiguous Business Requirements

19 February, 2018

Some time ago, while working in my first job building web software, my company was seeking another developer to add to the team. As…

Choosing Gatsby JS

09 January, 2018

Recently the team at SimplyAgree wanted to get serious about thought leadership in the legal tech space. For us, there are serious…

Tricky Git Scenarios Volume One

06 January, 2018

##Moving work to another branch Often times I find myself in the following scenario: I am working on a feature branch, deep down in the…

Conference Talks

27 December, 2017

In late 2016 and early 2017 I was fortunate enough to give my first conference talks, and I want to keep some info about them here for…

Russell J. Anderson

I am a Software Engineer in Nashville, Tennessee. I love my family, my church, the local sports teams, and adverbs.

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry